Reducing U.S. Road Fatalities: How Advanced Vehicle Technology Is Saving Lives

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    Traffic related injuries are the leading cause of death for children and young adults between the ages of 5 and 29. This alarming statistic highlights the vulnerability of younger populations on the roads and emphasizes the urgent need for more effective safety measures to protect them. When we look at the issue from this perspective—not as a distant statistic or […]

    Severe Early Morning Accidents in Auburn

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    Regardless of the level of caution exercised when traveling as pedestrians or cyclists, no one is immune to the risk of accidents caused by the negligence of others. While we can never completely eliminate the potential for unforeseen events, acquiring knowledge and understanding can significantly enhance our ability to avoid such incidents. A particularly telling statistic highlights that the likelihood […]

    Is Portland an Unfriendly Pedestrian City?

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    Portland Pedestrian Overview 2021 – Present Portland’s 2021 traffic data reveals a troubling reality: pedestrians are the most vulnerable group on the city’s roads. Of the 155 pedestrian-related accidents reported that year, 25 resulted in fatalities, making pedestrians the highest category of victims in fatal accidents. This number exceeds deaths from motor vehicle collisions, which accounted for 19 fatalities, and […]

    Reckless Road Design, Highway Neglect, and Other Silent Dangers in Washington State

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    Every day, drivers across Washington unknowingly navigate roads, bridges, and highways that are overdue for crucial maintenance. These silent dangers, often overlooked, create serious risks for commuters and travelers alike. Consider the following statistics: 59% of Washington’s lane miles are overdue, with many far past due, for preservation and maintenance. There are currently 159 concrete bridge decks in need of […]

    Accident Spikes on Super Bowl Weekend

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    The Super Bowl is the most-watched regular television broadcast in the United States, attracting an audience of approximately 130 million viewers, with roughly 10% tuning in from international locations. As the annual championship game for the NFL, the Super Bowl is broadcast in about 40% of American households. Preparing for the Big Game The evening of the Super Bowl also […]

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