How long will my motorcycle accident case take to be resolved?
Injuries from motorcycle accidents tend to be severe, so the time-frame for such cases can last for several months or even years. It’s best not to rush back from motorcycle accident injuries since any additional complications or injuries likely won’t be included in a rushed settlement. However, if your injuries aren’t terribly severe and liability has been effectively proven, then you can expect your motorcycle accident claim to settle within 5-8 months. If your claim has to go to trial to be resolved, though, it might take years before everything is wrapped up. Litigation is a lengthy process. For example, the discovery phase alone can take up to 6 to 12 months. Hiring an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer is the best way to get an estimate about the life of your personal injury case.
How much money should I expect from the motorcycle accident I was in?
No two motorcycle accidents are the same, and motorcycle accident settlements reflect this fact. While one victim may only walk away from his motorcycle accident with a few thousand dollars, another might see a 6 or even 7-figure settlement. Motorcycle accident settlements are similar to automobile accident settlements in that they are based on the following factors: severity of injury, lost wages, and property damage. If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident the best thing to do is to call The Advocates for a free evaluation of your case. Our lawyers have decades of experience working with motorcycle accident cases just like yours. Call us today at 206-452-4200. The motorcycle accident attorneys with the Advocates will help you get back on your feet.
How do I prove I am not responsible for my motorcycle accident?
Unfortunately, insurance companies have a habit of scapegoating motorcycle riders as reckless commuters who skirt traffic laws at will. Proving the other driver is at fault is absolutely essential in order to win your motorcycle accident case. The best way to prove liability is to take photos or videos of the scene, of your injuries, and the damage to your bicycle. Next, write down the names and contact information of anyone who might have witnessed your motorcycle accident. Finally, you should keep a detailed log of every medical provider you saw for you injuries. These three things can go a long way in ensuring you receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses. Motorcycle accidents are as unpredictable as they are dangerous. Motorcycle accident victims often suffer from acute scrapes, bruises, and disabling or even fatal injuries. Broken bones and severe head injuries are also common injuries survivors of motorcycle accidents can face during their recovery. Unlike other vehicles, motorcyclists are completely exposed to the open road. Because of this motorcycle accidents have a far higher rate of fatalities than any other types of accidents. There’s no escaping the fact that motorcycles are a dangerous mode of transportation. Even the most experienced of riders runs the risk of being in an accident. The Advocates Law will help you file and win your case following a motorcycle accident.