Portland Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

pedestrian accident lawyer

Portland Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

You Deserve an Advocate!

If you are pedestrian who has been injured by a negligent driver, you want the best Portland pedestrian accident lawyers available. What you need is an Advocate!

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Injured? A Portland Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Can Help

When a pedestrian and car collide, the results are frequently disastrous for the person on foot. Pedestrian laws vary from state to state and the experienced Portland pedestrian accident lawyers with The Advocates Injury Attorneys are here to help.

Pedestrians using crosswalks, sidewalks, parking areas, or other zones where vehicles and pedestrians share space are typically granted the right-of-way. Vigilance is expected from drivers when watching out for pedestrians, but unfortunately not all drivers are attentive to the foot traffic that surrounds them. Although motorists should come to a complete stop when a pedestrian is using a crosswalk, that is often not the case.

Tragically, when a motorist strikes a pedestrian it can result in serious harm or even fatalities. There are certain injuries that are commonly reported, such as:

  • Broken bones

  • Cuts – bruises – and scrapes

  • Hemorrhages and hematomas

  • Concussions

  • Torn and sprained ligaments

  • Traumatic brain injuries

The best thing to do if you were hit by a car is to contact a Portland pedestrian accident lawyer with The Advocates for a free case evaluation. Our experienced team knows how to prove liability, negotiate with insurance companies, and get you maximum compensation for any injuries and losses.

Pedestrian Accident FAQ

Portland Pedestrian Accident Statistics

Between 2018 and 2022 Portland has experienced a significant increase in pedestrian deaths. According to a report from Portland.gov and Vision Zero, there are some alarming stats surrounding pedestrian accidents in Portland. These include:

  • 40% of all traffic related deaths between 2018 and 2022 were pedestrians

  • East Portland has nearly twice as many pedestrian deaths per capita than the rest of Portland

  • 71% of all pedestrian accidents happen at intersections

  • 49% of all pedestrian accidents happen in low light conditions

  • 20% of pedestrian crashes result from left-turning drivers failing to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk at signalized intersections

In a statement urging the public to slow down, The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) noted a few patterns emerging from the uptick in pedestrian accidents:

Speed limits: Portland has aggressively reduced speed limits the last five years. While only 8% of city streets and state highways in Portland remain posted at 35 mph or higher, 46% of traffic deaths occurred on these streets in 2022. The high number of traffic deaths on these streets underscores the need to build safety improvements and reduce posted speeds.

Darker conditions: Seventy-four percent of traffic deaths occurred in darker conditions, which includes dusk, nighttime, and dawn, with a three-year average of 72%. Of pedestrian deaths, 93% occurred in darker conditions, with a three-year average of 89%.

Hit and run crashes: Deaths from hit-and-run crashes have doubled in recent years. Seventeen people died in hit-and-run crashes in 2022, compared with 14 in 2021 and seven in 2020. Driving impaired is often a reason for hit-and-run crashes.

Contact a Portland Pedestrian Accident Attorney Today!

Studies have shown that when injured pedestrians retain an attorney they typically get more money from insurance companies than if they’d pursued a claim on their own. Insurance companies train their employees to keep case settlement costs as low as possible. Because filing a pedestrian accident claim is rare, insurance companies will often make lower offers, assuming the accident victims won’t know any better. Don’t worry. The pedestrian accident lawyers with The Advocates in Portland have seen thousands of accident cases and know just what a fair settlement looks like.

If you are unsure if a case settlement offer will be enough to cover your medical expenses, lost income, and other unforeseen costs, you should contact The Advocates right away for a free case evaluation. Our experienced team can help provide a clearer understanding of your situation and all legal options available. If you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident, you can contact The Advocates today. We will help you get back on your feet. You deserve an Advocate!


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