Despite being invisible, concussions are serious injuries and should not be ignored. Concussions are frequently caused by moderate to severe trauma to the head. Due to the typical blunt force impacts associated with automobile, motorcycle, and bicycle accidents, the risk of obtaining a concussion is high if you are the victim of such an incident. If you are in a car accident, for example, your head might be violently flung forward or to the side. Since the brain rests in a pool of cerebrospinal fluid and is not directly secured, it can be jostled and smashed against the inside of the skull. The damage suffered by such situations is the very definition of a concussion.
The majority of concussions heal within three to four weeks, but if you continue to exhibit concussion symptoms beyond this time frame you may be experiencing post-concussion syndrome. When you have post-concussion syndrome you will experience noticeable changes to your motor skills and thought processes, and you may even experience random mood swings. Unfortunately, post-concussion syndrome symptoms may last for up to a year after you sustained a concussion.
Is It All in Your Head?
Post-concussion syndrome is a controversial subject in the medical community. Some researchers believe it is little more than a psychological problem since, physiologically-speaking, the brain returns to its normal composition within a month of the initial impact. More recent studies conducted with patients suffering from post-concussion syndrome have shown dramatic neuron and cellular damage, as well as abnormal blood flow to and away from the brain. These researchers believe such symptoms prove something is seriously wrong with post-concussion syndrome patients.
Post-Concussion Syndrome Treatments
To date, there is no cure-all remedy for post-concussion syndrome beyond managing its symptoms. Physicians typically have patients alleviate their symptoms by prescribing pain relievers for chronic headaches and advice to avoid any and all strenuous activity. Non-strenuous, low-impact exercise, however, has been shown to relieve some post-concussion syndrome symptoms.
Another factor that can exacerbate the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome is high levels of stress. In order to properly treat such stress, a post-concussion syndrome patient should avoid stressful situations. Psychotherapy and regular counseling sessions can go a long way in reducing your stress levels.
Post-Concussion Syndrome: What To Do Next
If you believe you have post-concussion syndrome, you should do all you can to avoid having another concussion. You can do this by protecting your head from further injury. If you’ve been involved in an accident and continue to experience concussion symptoms weeks or months afterwards you should contact The Advocates today. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are available 7 days a week to discuss the legal ramifications of your case, so don’t wait. You deserve an Advocate!