Fog Related Accidents in Oregon State

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    Winter brings an array of dangers for drivers, ranging from slippery or icy roads to severe storms that can leave vehicles stranded for hours. Additionally, this season is marked by an increased risk of wildlife collisions, as animals are more active during the rut. However, one hazard stands out for its subtle yet deadly nature—fog. Particularly common in late November […]

    Fog Related Accidents in Washington State

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    Winter weather poses a variety of challenges for drivers, as we’ve previously explored with topics like icy roads, and even the risks of wildlife-vehicle collisions during seasonal transitions. Among these hazards, one stands out as particularly insidious for causing multi-car pile-ups: fog. Today, we’ll dive into the unique dangers posed by fog, exploring the different types and why this weather […]

    Holiday Accidents & Fatalities

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    25% of adults report drinking more during the holiday season In 2017, the daily average of fatalities was 102 per day During six major holiday periods (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas/New Year’s Day), the average rose to 119 fatalities per day The stretch from Memorial Day to Labor Day, called the “100 […]

    Winter and SDT: Deer Accidents More Frequent

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    In the United States, theissue of deer-vehicle collisions (commonly referred to as the “deer issue”) is an annual danger exacerbated by time shifts, which align with peak deer activity. Given the vast stretches of rural roads and highways that many people travel across, this becomes a recurring and dangerous situation. As the clock moves forward or backward, the overlap between […]

    December: The Deadliest Month of the Year On The Road

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    The holiday season in the U.S. is known for a rise in dangerous driving conditions, fueled by increased travel, celebrations, and alcohol consumption. During this time, 25% of adults report consuming more alcohol than usual, significantly contributing to the increase in traffic-related fatalities. The alcohol industry, which generates $49 billion annually, sees nearly a quarter of its profits during the […]