Sleep Fatigue & Drowsy Driving

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    Fatigue is a state of exhaustion, either physical or mental, that reduces a driver’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. It can be caused by lack of sleep, long working hours, intense activities, or a combination of these factors The circadian rhythm is the body’s natural wake and sleep cycle that repeats every 24 hours. It is regulated by an […]

    Does DST Make The Roads More Dangerous For Drivers and Pedestrians?

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    Each year in the U.S., the shift in Daylight Saving Time (DST) impacts the daily lives of millions—students, pedestrians, professionals, emergency responders, heavy vehicle operators, and even wildlife. Whether you’re well-acquainted with the clock change or newly adjusting, we’re tackling a crucial question: Does DST increase risks on the road and contribute to accidents? What is DST? Daylight Saving Time, […]

    Washington Cities With the Most Truck Accidents

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    In the state of Washington, the bustling activity of heavy trucks plays a significant role in the dynamics of traffic accidents. As these massive vehicles navigate through urban landscapes, they create unique challenges for both drivers and pedestrians. Understanding where these accidents are most prevalent is crucial for improving safety and implementing effective preventative measures. By examining these hotspots, we […]

    Washington State Micro Mobility Vehicle Regulations

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    In Washington State, the surge in personal mobility options like electric scooters, mopeds, and e-bikes has reshaped how people navigate cities. In Seattle, you’ll often see commuters weaving through Pike Place Market’s narrow streets or crossing the busy thoroughfares of Capitol Hill, where public transit options are limited. In Spokane, paths like the Centennial Trail are frequented by both locals […]

    Navigating Sidewalk Usage in Oregon

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    Oregon is home to countless outdoor-friendly cities that encourage scenic tourism, inviting residents and visitors alike to explore on foot or by bike, scooter, and other pedestrian-friendly vehicles. Navigating these areas safely isn’t just about enjoying the sights—knowing and following local regulations on these modes of transport is essential. This not only enhances the experience but also minimizes potential legal […]